When the Red Pill Turns to Black

Navigating Through Psychological Land Mines on the Field of Cognitive War

I generally try to avoid popular memes like references from The Matrix because they are overused.

You’re probably already familiar with the blue pill/red pill metaphor, but hang on. There’s a deeper message I’m trying to convey here.

Our focus here isn’t on the red/blue dichotomy.

Instead, we’re going to explore what can happen after you take the red pill …

First, What is the Blue Pill?

The blue pill simply represents the conventional world. It’s a world of agreement, consensus, and appearance.

We are all born into this conventional world. It’s the first “reality” we know.

There’s a certain comfort that comes from operating within the convention. There’s a feeling of safety when those around you think, believe, and behave as you do.

At one level, the convention represents what Eastern philosophies call Maya or illusion. It’s a kind of reality distortion field that surrounds us, keeping us in a trance-like state.

The majority of the population—the “masses,” so to speak—perceive reality through the conventional lens.

A common term used to describe people who live within the convention is normies (“normal person”).

Normies put their faith in the status quo. They believe in, listen to, and follow their authority figures.

They follow the rules placed upon them as best they can without questioning anything. They tend to operate in a trance that leads to continual subconscious compliance.

I don’t believe there’s any correlation between one’s cognitive intelligence and whether or not he or she is a normie.

In fact, I would argue that the highest concentration of normies is probably found in academia.

The illusionary blue pill world is reinforced by propaganda and indoctrination. And no one receives more indoctrination than academics.

Normies in 2020 and 2021

Normies tend to believe they and their authorities only have good intentions.

They believe things like:

  • “Everyone is doing the best they can.”
  • “Authorities (governments/institutions like WHO, the CDC, or the United Nations) are there to help, support, and protect us.”

They also believe that mainstream media is actually reporting the “news.”

So, back in 2020, when normies were told to wear a mask to protect themselves and others, they did.

When they were told to “take the jab” to protect themselves and others, they complied.

For the normie, there wasn’t anything to evaluate.

They were informed that these measures were for their protection.

Official messaging on television further told them that it would be inconsiderate to others if they didn’t comply. (Normies tend to see themselves as very considerate people.)

But a lot has changed since 2020 and many of these individuals have begun to leave the safety zone of normie land.

And when they do, they take the proverbial red pill …

Taking the Red Pill

When Morpheus offered Neo the red pill, he cautioned him:

“Remember, I’m offering you the truth, nothing more.”

It was a fair warning, but the fact is that when you’ve lived within the conventional, illusionary world your whole life, you really don’t know what to expect when you first “take the red pill.”

Over two decades since The Matrix was released, taking the red pill has become a popular metaphor for “waking up” or learning how this world really works.

But it’s just a general term and it can mean many different things at many different levels.

Quite a bit of “red pills” have been revealed here:

There are thousands of examples like this.

The Ideologies That Got Us Here

Since the plandemic first started, millions of people have become aware of a small group, sometimes referred to “globalists,” who are hell-bent on depopulating the planet and taking full control.

The current “front organization” for this group is called the World Economic Forum (WEF).

The members of this group are driven by various ideologies:

They are also driven by Marxism (communism) and Fascism (merger between corporations and governments). Hence, globalists are called ideologues.

Instead of calling them globalists, however, we can also refer to them as parasites or psychopaths. Both terms accurately apply here. (They are parasites in that they live on the work and energy of their hosts—us.)

Unfortunately for us, all of the mainstream media (MSM) is controlled by these same psychopaths. The MSM is the primary source of fake news! That’s why there are so many normies. The normie’s perception is continually being shaped by propaganda. It’s also why it takes many years to “spread the word” to the masses.

Thankfully, “alternative” and “new” media have been on the rise since the plandemic first started. And the MSM is losing trust rapidly—even in normie world.

It’s Like Peeling an Onion

What you’re really doing in this red-pilling process is twofold:

  1. You are deprogramming yourself from prior conditioning (brainwashing) and
  2. Educating yourself on how the world actually operates.

You are removing layer upon layer of “schooling,” propaganda, and mind control programming.

It takes time to shed our ignorance. In fact, “public education” in the West was intentionally designed to indoctrinate people and dumb us down.

The red-pilling process takes us out of our comfort zone.

We go through disillusionment after disillusionment. Waves upon waves of confusion and cognitive dissonance come upon us as our minds struggle to get a footing on what’s going on.

Plus, we have to contend with our ego defense mechanisms like denial. These defense mechanisms do everything in their power to maintain the blue-pill’s status quo.

Basically, these defenses try to keep us from going through Kübler-Ross’s five stages of grief.6

On top of that, we are bombarded with a great deal of misinformation and disinformation. It takes a lot of time and critical thinking to evaluate the material we’re presented with.

Sometimes, we simply can’t know what’s real and what’s not. There are overlapping psyops from every direction.

Learning to sit with this ambiguity is a trademark quality of mature adulthood.

The Red Pill Directed Inward

The red-pilling process can go in two basic directions: Externally and internally.

Taken externally, you come to examine the world at large. The bullet points provided above are examples of external red pills. They inform you about the world, but not about yourself.

“Taking the red pill,” however, can also direct us inward.

Those who live within the blue-pill conventional world are largely unconscious of themselves. (If not, they would know not to trust politicians, large institutions, or corporations. They would never “trust the science.”)

Leaving the conventional world is part of what Carl Jung called the individuation process.7

The red pill, taken inward leads us to inner work and shadow work.8

Not only is the world unlike what it seems, but neither are we.

Our self-identity is a construct as well. It too was molded and conditioned by the fabricated, conventional world filled with lies, deception, and the self-interest of various hidden hands.

As such, our self-identity is part of the Maya, a persistent aspect of the grand illusion.

Examining this aspect of the Maya takes practice, patience, dedication, and a new set of skills you learn along the way.

When the Inner Red Pill is Not Taken …

Many commentators and analysts have been externally red pilling themselves for years.

They have seen through layer upon layer of lies and deception brought about by the Powers That Be.

But their analysis tends to be myopic, or overly simplistic.

For them, it’s simply a battle between the forces of good and evil.

This clear dividing line between good and evil has been reinforced in the minds of the masses via Western religions, as great thinkers like Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell clearly documented.

In seeing through this black-and-white lens, our perception is necessarily distorted. Many nuisances and subtleties are omitted.

But when we know ourselves, our perception is clearer. We come to understand that the forces of light and dark are in each of us.

We also realize that humans, by and large, are driven by self-interest. From this lens, it’s easier to get a footing on what’s happening on the world stage.

(Hint: it’s much more complex and the pieces on the board are constantly changing.)

Oh, No! The Red Pill Can Turn Black!

“Abandon all hope ye who enter here.”

– Dante’s Divine Comedy

Regardless, if you red pill yourself long enough and learn a great deal about how this world really works, that red pill can turn to black.

When the red pill turns black, your consciousness becomes consumed by darkness.

A heavy cloud passes over you and lingers. Depression, apathy, hopelessness, and despair define this state.

I’ve gone through numerous deep “black pill” periods in my life, and many short-lived ones.

One came when I started studying the Illuminati—their symbols, signs, agendas, and rituals.

It was a few years after the false flag event on the World Trade Center in New York City in 2001. (This event actually triggered millions of people into taking the red pill.)

After learning about the darkness that pervades this world and the massive control that a small group of people seemed to wield, I became deeply anxious and depressed.

I stopped researching and tried to forget what I had learned. I went back to “life as usual” for about six months.

But once you see, it’s difficult to unsee. You can try. You can pretend it was all “make-believe,” or some kind of fantastical “conspiracy theory.” But something scratches at you from the inside. The trance you once lived in is broken.

Another black pill period came in March 2020.

From various occult resources, I suspected that the next big false flag event would occur in 2020. I had been warning those in my inner circle and helping them prepare.

But when their plandemic hit State-side and I saw (1) how unified the Powers That Be seemed to be AND (2) how easily the masses were fooled, I lost all sense of hope.

“Well, if people are going to just go along with what they’re told by talking heads on a TV screen, I suppose the fate of humanity is already sealed.”

First, only a few people were wearing masks. They were the outliers. But then, within about four weeks, virtually everyone was “masked up.”

I was mortified. Knowing the true meaning behind the masks, I refused to put one on. As such, I was asked to leave many stores. I was even kicked out of a local farm stand for not wearing a mask—in their parking lot!

I got used to being stared at in public as if I was a pariah. This period was “dark” for many of us that had been red-pilled years prior.

I had read about periods of mass hysteria in history, but living through it was something else entirely.

The Dark Side of the Black Pill

Containing the darkness of the black pill if/when it consumes you is no easy task.

There’s nothing in the self-help, personal development, or new-age genres that can speak to it.

In fact, this existential angst represents a higher stage of consciousness than anything offered in those industry-run genres.9

When the red pill turns black, it can lead to a prevailing sense of meaninglessness, despair, and hopelessness.

We’ve previously discussed a popular ideology that can arise at this stage called nihilism.

“There’s no truth. Nothing means anything. Nothing is real. Nothing matters.”

Nihilism left unabated can become very destructive.

In truth, the global parasites are guided by nihilism which is partly what has led them to embrace transhumanism.

“If nothing has any intrinsic meaning we mind as well download our consciousness into machines, live forever, and run the world.”

Ultimately, this viewpoint is an expression of cowardice. They don’t want to feel the angst, so their archonic minds have taken over.

As regular folks, we have to wrestle with our own darkness too.

If we’re all honest, there’s a part of each of us that wants to see the world burn.

Many Christians, for example, view this as “the End Times.” And part of anyone who was brought up within the Christian faith wants to see the Book of Revelations play out, as it will confirm their beliefs.

But we ALL have this drive for death and destruction within us. I previously referred to it as Thanatos—the death instinct.

And it’s important to be aware of this subconscious drive (if you’re not already).

Rigid Mental Models

Many people are sitting in a black pill state without even knowing it.

One of the biggest problems with being black pilled is that you’re operating from a rigid mental model.

When you’re in the blackness, your perception is clouded.

With a rigid mental model of how the world works, you can’t assess data that conflicts with your current model of the world.

Normies live in this state of rigidity, which is why it can be difficult to “red pill” a normie who doesn’t want to leave their seemingly safe and known world.

When you begin the red pill process, your mind becomes open and fluid. Slowly, you begin to question everything you once knew and apply critical thinking. (This is how you break the initial trance state.)

But over time, if/when that red pill turns black, your mental model becomes fixed once again.

This is an important thing to be aware of too.

Black Pills in the Alternative Media

In fact, a great deal of alternative news media reporters are black pilled.

For example, James Corbett, an investigative reporter that I’ve listened to and referenced for many years, is black pilled.

It’s completely understandable.

After doing sufficient research, you tend to see the world through the lens of a “monolithic conspiracy” where there’s a group of unified, psychopathic cultists trying to take over the world. (Or that they already have.)

It’s actually a reasonable assessment based on a wide range of data points. (If you’re somehow new to this concept, be sure to read or re-read the original Conspiracy Science & the Psyche series.)

And it’s not that this assessment is inaccurate, but it is incomplete.

It’s a flawed mental model because it doesn’t take into account how humans operate.

We tend to have a difficult time getting along and communicating with others, don’t we?

Anyone in a leadership role understands how challenging it can be to get a diverse group of people to work together on a single goal.

Heck, anyone with a family knows what I’m saying here too, right?

Do we have any reason to think this isn’t the case for narcissistic globalist parasites?

Sure, these parasites can bribe, threaten, and even murder people to advance their agenda. But this use of force has its limitations.

The hubris (outrageous arrogance) of these psychopaths always collapse in on itself. (And based on numerous indicators, this is already happening—as shown below.)

Moving Beyond the Black Pill

If you’re currently sitting in darkness, here are a few things that might serve you:

Stare into the darkness and despair.

Our conditioning tells us to do the opposite—to “cheer up,” “be positive,” “stay optimistic”, etc. Basically, run away from how you’re really feeling.

In my experience, this only reinforces the despair. (What you resist gets stronger.) So instead of turning away from the darkness, move towards it. Although counterintuitive, it may help you move through this stage with less resistance.

Be patient.

The transformation of the darkness is not an overnight process. The despair and the angst are valid. It’s there for a reason. It takes time to sit with the heaviness and ugliness of this world to arrive at clear seeing.

Challenge your mental model.

Whenever you hear the internal voice that says, “It’s hopeless. All is lost,” challenge this sentiment.

Is it? Are you certain? What if I present you with evidence that this is not the case? Are you open to that?”

Basically, be aware that your negative emotions are influencing your perception.

Try to avoid absorbing the emotions of others.

When you’re in the red-pilling process, you’re generally doing a lot of research, which might include reading articles and watching videos. Most commentators are not fully conscious of their emotional state.

It’s easy to subconsciously absorb their emotions without being aware of it. It’s difficult to avoid this, but if you’re mindful of this tendency, it’s easier to catch it.

Remember that our consciousness is creating our reality.

Make no mistake: the enemies of humanity are hard at work manipulating our perception in an attempt to use our consciousness against us. There’s a good reason why the secret orders control all of Hollywood and mainstream media. It’s their primary means of controlling the perception of the masses.

Even when they are losing ground, they will present a “strong front” and act like they are winning. It’s a critical war tactic these types of people have used for millennia. At least a portion of your experienced darkness is often fabricated by their cognitive warfare strategies.

So do what you can to guard your mind.

Coming Back from the Brink of the Abyss …

For those who are tracking the madness of what’s unfolding in the world—and who may have subconsciously consumed the black pill—here are a few data points to challenge your current mental model:

  • BRICS nations are not taking a knee to the WEF and are establishing something different.
  • The FED, backed by many of the big Western commercial banks, is fighting against the ECB (Davos/WEF).10
  • Blackrock is failing and will likely collapse within the next few years.
  • 19 States in the US are getting ready to give a boot to the WEF’s ESG program.11
  • Funding in ESG green energy witchcraft has already peaked and seen a massive drop off since last year (20% decline).12
  • Bitcoin adoption continues to grow around the world (despite massive forces working against it).
  • FTX, a major money laundering operation for the WEF and its cohorts has been taken down.13
  • Ukraine is systematically being dismantled (home of the House of Rothschilds, 46 Biolabs, neo-Nazis, and human trafficking), despite the West’s propaganda campaigns.14

The fact that Davos has to send 5,000 Swiss soldiers to protect the globalists at their annual WEF meeting speaks volumes.15

The British colonials (central banking cabal/ECB/BIS/IMF) are losing ground on many fronts and will not likely be around by the end of this decade.

According to Martin Armstrong’s AI forecasting model, Socrate, which has proven to be eerily accurate since the 1980s, Schwab’s WEF agenda will fully collapse around 2027 or so.16

Many people are rightly concerned about CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) because of the amount of control that central banks would wield over the people.

However, most commentators don’t make the distinction between wholesale CBDCs and retail CBDCs. The wholesale CBDC is what the big banks are mainly working on right now. This will replace their current, antiquated system called SWIFT, which doesn’t affect regular people (it’s just how banks communicate with each other).

A retail-level CBDC—the one digital currency to rule them all—is just the dream of a bunch of delusional academics at the WEF.

I don’t know of a single grounded analyst that tracks this stuff daily who thinks it will or can ever happen. And each day, we see evidence that it won’t. (The big commercial banks in America, for example, would not benefit from a retail CBDC as it would make them irrelevant.)

That said, I’m not suggesting you shouldn’t take precautions to preserve your wealth.

This is NOT Hopium

The above observations are just to illustrate that the game board pieces are constantly changing. It’s not meant to be taken as “hopium.”

The coming years will be chaotic beyond anything we have experienced in our lifetime. The United States will likely break up by 2032. There will be worldwide food shortages, energy crises, and financial collapses (all of which are being intentionally orchestrated by WEF-affiliated organizations.)

Due to the current solar cycles from the Grand Solar Minimum—NOT “climate change”—there will be a growing number of extreme weather events as well.

Plus, at this stage, it appears that World War III is all but inevitable. The Powers That Be in the West are setting up for WWIII to hide the impending sovereign debt crisis. (War generates excessive spending, which adds debt to the books, keeping their money training moving forward.)

So I’m not suggesting that everything is going to be “peachy” as we move through this transition period.

Preparing accordingly is wise, in my opinion.

Ideology versus Reality

When we assume that the globalist parasites will be successful—when the future outcome is definitive—we are giving our power over to them.

The WEF psychopaths are NOT gods. They are NOT all-powerful.

In fact, if you listen to some of these characters like Klaus Schwab and his stooge Yuval Noah Harari speak, they aren’t even highly intelligent. They are, however, quite delusional.

And that brings us to a vital distinction between ideology and reality.

The WEF and the secret orders they represent live by ideologies that are divorced from reality. This makes them very dangerous.

As geopolitical analyst Tom Luongo often highlights, instead of learning from their mistakes, psychopaths and narcissists blame their victims and continuously “double down.”

They can and likely will collapse a lot of our existing infrastructures which will cause us a lot of pain and needless suffering.

They are clearly engineering WWIII with their Zelensky puppet. And this war will likely lead to the death of millions. (More civilians die in war than in the military.)17

But the WEF needs “controlled chaos” to execute their plans—not true chaos.

And each step they take creates new fractures in their plans.

Every day that passes, more normies take the red pill.

(For example, a recent survey showed that 1 in 4 people think that someone they know died from the covid jabs.)18

Eventually, a critical mass will be reached. Then, it’s game over for the so-called “elites.”

Many who are black-pilled think that after the collapse the globalist parasites will “rise from the ashes” like a phoenix afterward to “build back better.”

But if you study the real cycles of history, it’s unlikely that will transpire.

If you believe that they will inevitably be successful because they have a lot of resources and have been planning this for a century, you may be operating from a rigid mental model.

The WEF wants us to believe that they have a unified front. This is a critical aspect of their psychological warfare. But if you examine the game board more carefully (macro-economically, geopolitically, hidden factions, silent hands, etc.), this is simply NOT the case.

In many ways, Klaus Schwab’s dream of global communism is already all-but-dead.

But if we don’t keep our mental models fluid, we will assume that as Western civilization continues to collapse that the WEF is succeeding. They are not!

The Titans Will Fall

The reality is that Western civilization is ending a 300+ year cycle. It was “scheduled” to fall—just like the Greek/Roman empire.19

There have been clear signs of its descent for many years.

But in the end, humans are driven by self-interest.

The BRICS nations have separated from the WEF due to their self-interests.

The FED and numerous Western commercial banks are at war with the ECB due to their self-interests.

And while the titans fight and play their Game of Thrones, we must live our lives.

For, in the end, these ideological parasites are destined to fail.


  1. https://dailyclout.io/cdc-finally-released-its-vaers-safety-monitoring-analyses-for-covid-vaccines-via-foia/ []
  2. https://rumble.com/v228tus-fda-criminally-approved-bioweapon-as-safe-and-effective-vaccine-karen-kings.html []
  3. https://www.brighteon.com/309412a4-65e5-4bd6-a7c9-52805b5a6b93 []
  4. https://www.therealanthonyfaucimovie.com/viewing/ []
  5. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/cia-infiltrated-watergate-break-nixon-threatened-leak-cia-involvement-jfk-murder/ []
  6. https://www.psycom.net/stages-of-grief []
  7. https://scottjeffrey.com/individuation-process/ []
  8. https://scottjeffrey.com/shadow-work/ []
  9. https://archive.org/details/transformationso0000wilb []
  10. https://www.tfmetalsreport.com/podcast/11904/thursday-conversation-tom-luongo []
  11. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/19-states-investigate-banks-esg-style-commitment-un-alliance []
  12. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/global-esg-bond-issuance-records-first-ever-annual-decline []
  13. https://maajidnawaz.substack.com/p/how-the-collapse-of-sam-bankman-frieds []
  14. Follow reports from Col. Douglas Macgregor on Youtube. []
  15. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2023/01/12/swiss-army-sends-5000-soldiers-to-guard-davos-globalist-elites/ []
  16. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/blog/ []
  17. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/war/twice-as-many-civilians-always-die-v-military/ []
  18. https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/public_surveys/died_suddenly_more_than_1_in_4_think_someone_they_know_died_from_covid_19_vaccines []
  19. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrongeconomics101/ecm-armstrongeconomics101/explaining-the-fall-of-western-society-as-we-know-it/ []