Trauma’s Origin Story (And How Symbols Rule Our World)

Why are we focusing on conspiracies now?

Naturally, the topic of conspiracies relates to what’s been unfolding on the world stage over the last two years. (See the original Worldwide Shadow Report.)

This “plandemic” has opened the eyes of millions of people to topics they would not have otherwise explored.

Those who labeled certain information as “conspiracy” at the start of the plandemic have been forced to re-examine their beliefs.

But in this series, we’re examining conspiracies from a deeper context.

We need to explore why conspiracy science is essential for those of us interested in self-leadership, psychological development, and inner work—the topics I usually write about on my public website.

I personally have found conspiracy research and occult symbolism integral to my own development and I’m confident that this would be the case for anyone else.

Today, we’ll examine the root of all mental illness and a great deal of our suffering in our world.

This segment is the third installment in this series:

1 – Conspiracy Science 101
2 – A Brief History of Psychedelics
3 – Trauma’s Origin Story
4 – An Injection of Truth
5 – The Psychology of the Globalists
6 – Secret Orders Run the World
7 – A Primer on Black Magic
8 – The Art of Mind Control
9 – The Climate Change Agenda
10- Transhumanism: Their Endgame
11- The Truth About Our Education
12- The Inward Journey

DISCLAIMER: This series addresses deeply-rooted and challenging topics. It is written for open-minded adults who are seeking insight and alternative perspectives on various complex issues. This material is being presented for educational purposes only. It’s normal to experience cognitive dissonance when you’re exposed to information that differs from what you thought was “true” or “normal” before. So if this material is new to you, have patience.

Two Vitals Ingredients for Growing Up

Growing up has at least two important elements:

  1. Understanding yourself so you can move toward self-mastery, and
  2. Understanding the world around you so you can make effective decisions for your Future Self.

Now, when I say “growing up,” I don’t mean getting older.

Everyone gets older; very few of us grow up.

In fact, according to developmental psychology, less than 2% of the population ever reaches mature adulthood.1

One of the most challenging things about growing up, in my experience, is the art of continuously keeping both eyes open.

When we turn away from ourselves, we engage in self-deception and deny our shadow.

When we turn away from “external” reality—from how this world really works—we engage in ignorance and delusion.

In Tibetan Buddhism, ignorance/delusion is one of the three poisons that keep the Wheel of Samsara (suffering) turning.

We have many incentives to turn away. The truth is often quite ugly and painful.

Yet, liberation can only come by keeping both eyes open—whether it’s examining how this world operates or seeing ourselves clearly in the mirror.

From my experience, a background in conspiracy science and occult knowledge is necessary to understand why less than 2% reach maturity.

This knowledge is also highly instructive for those engaged in inner work.

The Psyche and Our Inner World

The first wave of psychology—psychoanalysis—used the term psyche frequently.

However, modern psychology doesn’t use the term psyche anymore.

Instead, it uses the word mind, which is more focused on cognitive processes.

I prefer the term psyche because it’s more inclusive.

The psyche includes the totality of our being—our mind AND our body.

Once you begin to study depth psychology and the psychoanalytic insights of individuals like Freud and Jung, one thing becomes abundantly clear:

The psyche, for the most part, is a chaotic mess.

Of course, you don’t need psychoanalysis to arrive at this conclusion; simply observe other people’s behavior.

Or, even better, examine your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors carefully over time.

Listen to the varying “voices,” attitudes, desires, and beliefs that are often conflicting or in opposition to your conscious identity.

For some individuals, this inner observation comes as second nature—they do it without any effort.

For others, it takes certain mind training practices to illuminate the chaotic nature of the psyche.

If you’ve ever been in a room with others tripping on LSD, for example, it’s not uncommon to hear individuals in a dialogue with themselves.

This inner dialogue happens naturally once the conscious ego is reduced.

Many of us have been conditioned to believe that only “crazy people” talk to themselves.

In my experience, it’s the other way around.

Inner work is the process of bringing more organization to the psyche. And that organization often takes the form of inner and outer dialogue.

The Difference Between Freud and Jung

Freud, as an analyst, saw himself as mentally fit while his patients were mentally ill.

Jung, in contrast, exhibited greater humility and self-awareness. He understood that he was far more like his patients than different.

Jung realized that everyone is mentally ill—it’s only a matter of degrees and one’s ability to function in the outside, “conventional” world.

It wasn’t that some people were just “crazy” and others weren’t; the problem was the psyche itself and our civilization.

In fact, Jung wanted to call their field psycheanalysis (with an “e”), since to him, they were studying the psyche of the individual.

But Freud named their field psychoanalsyis. Psycho as in a deranged or a psychopathic person.

And that one letter difference still seems to dominate the mindset of the mental health field today.

It’s No Measure of Health …

Jung’s insight about the psyche makes a whole lot of sense.

Despite the fact that mental illness has been normalized where only the extreme cases receive the label of “illness,” arguably, the entire world is mentally ill.

And this fact can not be overstated.

Abraham Maslow discovered this for himself decades after Jung.

Maslow was the first psychologist who devoted his research to studying mental health (instead of illness).

The challenge was that he had a difficult time finding a large enough sample size of individuals with positive mental health.

Mental illness, Maslow found, was the norm.

The vast majority of people suffered from one form of neurosis or another. They lived in a state of anxiety to a point where they may not even realize they are anxious.

And this situation has only gotten worse in the present period.

Many Eastern mystics have echoed this observation.

You’ve probably seen me quote J. Krishnamurti elsewhere:

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

WHY Is The Psyche So Disorganized?

Now, the question is: WHY?

Why is our psyche so chaotic and disorganized?

Why do we live in a profoundly sick society?

Are we meant to struggle with things like addiction, impulse control, depression, anxiety, and other forms of mental illness?

Are we supposed to strive for success, image, and domination over others?

Why are we walking contradictions?

Is emotional and physical abuse just a natural part of life?

How did we become so divorced from our instincts and intuition?

Did all of these things just “happen” in the course of our evolution?

Why are we so divided both within ourselves and with others?

It Wasn’t An Accident

From my extensive research and observations, I have no reason to believe that our current state of affairs is evolutionary OR accidental.

Mass formation (mass psychosis) that we addressed recently doesn’t happen “just because.”

I posit that the current state of society is intentional.

It has been crafted. And it is done with malice (sadism) and contempt. (Or, said another way, it’s done by forces that lack any connection with heart or spirit.)

And this attack on humanity has persisted within continuous cycles for thousands of years.

I recall listening to an interview with occult researcher Mark Passio from years ago. Passio had interviewed a member of a secret order who said something to the effect of:

We’ve damaged the psyche of individuals so badly that even if we wanted to fix it, we wouldn’t know how.

Unpacking this single statement is one of the purposes of this series. It’s difficult to repair what we don’t know is broken.

Now, I realize that for some readers, the boldness of the above statements borders on insanity (mainly because we have been indoctrinated by the propaganda around “conspiracy theories.”)

While for other readers who have been on their own exploration for any number of years, the above statements may appear as obvious facts.

So let’s begin to bridge the gap.

Mental Illness Begins with Trauma

First, we need to highlight an organizing principle:

Trauma is the precursor to mental illness.

Sure, there may also be biological factors involved in some cases of mental illness.

But trauma is the cause of the majority of human suffering.

No trauma, no anxiety (in a general sense).

After experiencing trauma:

  • Our emotional and etheric fields are affected causing energetic stagnation in the body
  • This stagnation disrupts our natural breathing and body alignment
  • Imbalances within our organs create disharmony (at a cellular level)

Left unchecked, it becomes the precursor to dis-ease and mental suffering.

The primary function of inner work is to bring to consciousness the source of past trauma and to resolve it as best we can. The goal is to return to our natural state.

Trauma and mistreatment aren’t just the sources of mental illness; they are the precursor to most chronic physical pain people experience in adulthood as well.


Dr. John Sarno’s work clearly illustrates this fact.2

He healed thousands of patients of chronic back pain (and a host of other ailments) without any surgery.


He simply explained that the source of their pain was repressed rage and educated his patients on all of the different sources of this rage (which mostly related back to mistreatment in childhood).

Keep in mind that abuse in childhood is still the norm.

In “uncivilized homes,” the abuse is most often physical.

In “civilized homes,” physical abuse has potential consequences for the parents.

So the impulse for violence gets repressed and then expresses itself as emotional abuse. And very few parents are conscious of this form of abuse.

Abuse (of any kind) creates trauma, which leads to mental illness.

Mental illness is transmitted from the parent (and other family members, friends, teachers, etc.) to the child across each generation.

And the cycle of Samsara continues—unless an individual does sufficient inner work to bring this material to consciousness and resolve it within themselves before having children.

The Raw Violence of Birth

To help illustrate the profound nature of the trauma we’re subjected to, let’s start in the beginning: birth.

Here’s a brief list of the unnecessary (and perhaps unforgivable) trauma a newborn child is subjected to upon entering the “modern” world:

  • The mother is placed on her back to induce the maximum amount of pain for both herself and the newborn during delivery.
  • The child born in a cold, sterile environment with electrical equipment immediately shocks and disrupts the child’s bioenergetic fields.
  • The umbilical cord is cut at the moment of birth.
  • The child is often slapped by the delivering physician (sadist) and held by its feet.
  • The child is immediately subjected to blaring UV lights that are absolutely shocking to the infant’s skin receptors and organs.

Then, the child is soon placed apart from the mother, oftentimes in a different room.

Within weeks, the child is injected with a litany of neurotoxins and heavy metals that override its natural functioning (to a certain degree, permanently).

And if the child is male and unlucky enough to be one of the almost 40% of male babies, they are circumcised.

It’s difficult to express what a sadistic form of torture circumcision represents—done under the guise of “health” and/or “religion.” And the psychological damage caused by circumcision, from my understanding, is largely unrepairable. (We’ll address this further in a future segment.)

The Natural Way of Entering this World

Now, most of what I listed above might seem odd to many readers. It might have even hit a few emotional triggers like outrage.

Our society is so ill that we commit acts of violence against ourselves and others every single day.

But because these acts of violence are normalized as part of living in the “conventional world,” we don’t even question our actions or their consequences.

In fact, we defend our right to induce harm to ourselves and others.

The natural way for a woman to give birth is squatting (head and back upright) and in a warm pool of water. This provides the ideal transition for the newborn from the womb to the outside world.

And based on the testimonials of women who give birth this way, it’s pain-free and actually pleasurable.

The umbilical cord is the source of nourishment for the unborn child during its period in the womb. After birth, this cord is supposed to remain connected and allowed to fall off on its own (which usually happens within a few days).

The delivery environment should be dark, warm, and soothing. Again, to mimic the womb and ease the transition.

The child should not be separated from the mother for any period of time after birth.

And there is never a viable reason to inject anything into a healthy newborn’s bloodstream. (We’ll cover that in detail in the next segment.)

The Business of Being Born

I highly recommend watching the documentary, The Business of Being Born (2008). It highlights many of the points I outlined above.

In 1900, less than 5% of women gave birth in hospitals.3

Most women gave birth in the comfort of their homes with the assistance of midwives. This was the standard practice.

Yet, by 1921, 30 – 50% of women gave birth in hospitals.4

And by 1950, 80% of births occurred in hospitals.4

How did they get women to change this time-honored tradition of natural childbirth with a midwife?

The same way they tricked the French into desiring potatoes: propaganda, marketing, and manipulation.5

(See the ads for cigarettes and soft drinks from the last segment for more prime examples.)

In the case of the labor business, the Powers That Be used propaganda campaigns to shame women for wanting to give birth in their homes.

They sent the public this message: giving birth at home is dirty and unsafe.

Hospitals were positioned as the ONLY way of delivering a child.

Why Was Hospital Delivery So Important?

Money is usually the primary reason given. (However, money isn’t the chief reason as we’ll see later on.)

As the title of the documentary suggests, being born turned into a highly profitable business through a series of industries including hospitals (labor itself), big pharma (vaccines), and surgery.

Although it ranges from State to State, the average cost for giving birth in the United States is over $30,000.6,7

Cesarean births (C-sections) now account for over 30% of deliveries even though the risk of death from the C-section is at least 60% greater.8 Not to mention that the proper hormonal release and biological connection with the child don’t occur in C-section births.9

And plastic surgery following birth continues to rise. I couldn’t find any recent statistics, but in the United States alone, there were over 110,000 “mommy makeover” surgeries in 2009—representing an 88.7% increase from 2000.10

The average cost of “mommy makeovers” ranges from $9,000 to $20,000 in the States.11

The media campaigns to drive this incredibly high level of adoption of plastic surgery have persisted for decades.

The efforts of the Powers That Be to fixate the public’s consciousness on body image have been enormous. It too has multiple industries like fashion and media that profit from it.

But let’s not stray from the topic at hand: Hospitals, medicine, and mental health.

Symbols Rule Our World

Symbols are the language of the psyche.

They also define how this world actually works.

The meaning of symbols, however, is lost on most of us.

We aren’t taught what the symbols around us mean.

In fact, the true meaning of these symbols is usually hidden intentionally.

That’s why it’s called “occult” knowledge. (Occult = hidden.)

So let’s take a closer look at the symbol that we’ve come to associate with allopathic medicine, including hospitals and pharmaceutical companies.

The Caduceus: The Symbol of Modern Medicine?


If you search for the meaning of the caduceus online, you’ll find a myriad of things.

For example, in esoteric descriptions, the pole represents the spine and the coiling snakes represent the kundalini energy spiraling up the back.

Perhaps that is a valid interpretation, but it doesn’t provide us with any functional data.

Instead, we can look at which figures in various mythologies are associated with this symbol. And go from there.

There are a few mythological figures associated with the caduceus: Hermes, Mercury, and Baphomet.


Hermes was a Greek god perhaps best known for his role in alchemy, the mixing of potions and drugs.

Western alchemy was the precursor to both chemistry and psychology.

Hermes, however, was also the god of trade and wealth. He was the protector of travelers, merchants, and thieves.

According to some scholars, Hermes was the “divine trickster.”

Hermes was also the “soul guide,” responsible for guiding the dead down to Hades in the Underworld.


In the Roman era, Hermes transitioned to Mercury. ​

Similar to Hermes, Mercury was the god of financial gain and commerce, among other things.

The image of Mercury was struck on United States silver dimes prior to 1945

Baphomet is considered to be a representation of Satan.


Notice the caduceus over his midsection.

And this image is used in places of Satanic worship around the world.

(Note: there’s much more to decoding these occult symbols. For example, the Staff of Asclepius with a single snake has different associations and a separate origin story.)

Again, the Symbols Tell the Story

So consider what these symbolic associations tell us:

The caduceus symbol used in our medical and pharmaceutical industries is associated with death, deception, and commerce.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Remember, symbols rule this world.

The power that symbols hold on our psyche can not be overstated. (This will become self-evident later in the series.)

Now, keep in mind that I’m not suggesting that everyone who works in the medical health industry is evil—nothing of the kind.

Symbols generally operate on an unconscious level.

While I do have strong reason to think that the individuals who run companies like Pfizer or Moderna, for example, are aware of what they are doing, the average employees in these businesses are not.

Language Tells the Story Too

Outside of symbols and images, the etymology of words also illuminates a great deal about our psyche and this world.

Pharmacy has its roots in the Greek in pharmakis “a preparer of drugs, a poisoner, a sorcerer.”

Pharmākos, in Greek religion, was a human scapegoat used in certain rituals.

For example, in various annual festivals in Athens, they would select a man or woman who was considered ugly as a scapegoat to be ritually sacrificed or beaten and exiled.

I would imagine that many intellectuals or academics would criticize this and say that I’m “being pre-modern” or superstitious.

Perhaps. But I’m certain that anyone leveling this criticism hasn’t invested any time understanding the ritualistic death cults that still run this world. (And we’ll cover this in detail later in this series.)

As scholar Manly P. Hall explains in The Secret Teachings of All Ages:12

With the decline of virtue, which has preceded the destruction of every nation of history, the Mysteries became perverted. Sorcery took the place of divine magic. Indescribable practices were introduced, and pervasion ruled supreme, for NO institution can be any better than the members of which it is composed.

Fauci is Playing his Role Perfectly

As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. pointed out in his bestseller, The Real Anthony Fauci, when Fauci took over the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), 11.8% of Americans had a chronic disease.

Today, 54% of Americans have chronic diseases.13

And in the process, Big Pharma and Fauci have profited handsomely.

It’s a stunning economic engine:

  • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) receives 45% of its annual budget from Big Pharma.
  • The bulk of Big Pharma’s profits come from taxpayers via vaccine payments.
  • And these profits then get used to fund governmental agencies designed to “regulate the industry.”

Now, we might think that Fauci failed in his job because diseases increased by 400% under his leadership.

But then we wouldn’t take into account the symbols he represents: commerce, profit, theft, and death.

Fauci has been working for the pharmaceutical industry for over 40 years. He is not and has never been a servant of the people.

Yet, his salary comes from United States taxpayers and this salary is higher than the President of the United States.14

Fauci’s performance in his role for big pharma, unfortunately, has been exemplary.

As I said, the symbols tell the real story.

The Medical System is Doing Its Job Well Too

Do you know what the leading cause of death is in Western nations?

Iatrogenic disease.15

Iatrogenic disease is illness (and death) caused by the medical system itself. It’s a disease or death caused by the activity of the physician or therapy (e.g. medication).

The opiate crisis is only one small example.16

And let’s consider what happened with covid.

Why were there a large number of covid deaths initially reported in the beginning?

Back in April 2020, Senator Dr. Scott Jensen of Minnesota (who’s also a physician) exposed how the American Medical Association was encouraging doctors to overcount covid deaths with economic incentives.17

Physicians were getting paid three times as much if the patient went on a ventilator.1819

But it got even better for those in the industry within the United States:

During Trump’s administration, he signed the CARES Act into effect in early 2020, which provides bonus payments to hospitals.

Then, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services waved patients’ rights. (A deadly combination.)

Dr. Peterson Pierre outlines how this works.20

Hospitals are getting paid bonuses for:

  1. Offering a free covid test in the emergency room
  2. Providing a “diagnosis” of covid (which is totally bogus, but that’s another story)
  3. Emitting patients with “covid”
  4. Subscribing Remdesivir (which is absolutely killing people)21
  5. Putting patients on a ventilator
  6. Labeling a patient’s death as “COVID-19” (even if they didn’t die from covid)
  7. Bonus payments to coroners

In total, hospitals are able to receive over $100,000 per covid patient.

Simply put, hospitals are being paid by the Biden administration to kill the American people.

For more on how hospitals are murdering people, see these interviews with Dr. Elizabeth Eads, AJ Depriest, and attorney Todd Callender.

Again, the symbols tell the story.

Allopathic Medicine IS Rockefeller Medicine

You see, it wasn’t always the way it is now.

Holistic medicine used to be just “medicine.”

Botanical medicine, herbal medicine, naturopathy, and homeopathy—these modalities were all part of “traditional medicine.”

But oil magnate John D. Rockefeller of Standard Oil sought to change that.

He wanted to create a monopoly in the pharmaceutical industry using petroleum-based drugs so he could fuel one industry that he already owned (oil) with another (drugs).

And sadly, he succeeded.

Rockefeller used propaganda published as the Flexner Report in 1910 and presented it to Congress in order to standardize medical education.22,23

He also hijacked the American Medical Association (AMA).

After the Flexner Report was published, the AMA only endorsed medical schools with drug-based curriculums.

Beginning in 1913, Rockefeller and fellow globalist, Andrew Carnegie, used their tax-exempt “Foundations” to offer large grants to the top medical schools in America.24

Eventually, real medicine became “alternative medicine.” And non-allopathic schools that taught “alternative medicine” soon lost funding and disappeared.

That is, under the guise of “philanthropy,” these globalists fueled their industries while eliminating the competition.

As the following clip explains:25

Around the same time that John D. Rockefeller seized U.S. media, he also hijacked U.S. medicine. When it was discovered that drugs could be produced from petroleum, America’s top oil mogul ordered his army of propagandists to invert reality accordingly. Medicines used for thousands of years were suddenly classified as “alternative” while the new petroleum-based, highly addictive, and patentable drugs were labeled as the “gold standard.”

Please watch this 2-minute clip for more historical context:

Allopathic medicine has been killing people ever since. (And this will become abundantly clear in the next segment.)

For example:4

When evidence began to emerge that petroleum-based medicines were causing cancer, Mr. Rockefeller founded the American Cancer Society through which he suppressed that information.

The forces at work in this world have a way of inverting the truth and corrupting any and every institution.

A closer examination of how this world works highlights the same bloodlines (families) that have been causing massive suffering throughout recorded history.

And in the case of modern Western medicine, it was John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie.

To be clear: this is not a conspiracy “theory.”

As Eustace Mullins explains in Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America (1988), the Rockefellers have their associates as board members in every major pharmaceutical and insurance company in America.

As Mullins explains:26

The Rockefellers control every major drug company in the world. And when I say control, I mean directly.

Everything that’s stated above has been well-documented.27

Moving Beyond the “Conventional” World

I realize that the above information may be shocking to some of you.

We are born into what mythologist Joseph Campbell called the “conventional world.”

The conventional world is built on an extensive series of lies and deceptions.

Most people live their lives from within the mental parameters of this convention, never questioning it or examining it closer.

But for those of us in the process of growing up, it’s essential that we not only question everything about the convention, but we must also slowly move beyond it.

Moving beyond the conventional world is a part of the individuation process.

Over time, you begin to see how so much of our reality has been inverted from the truth.

And this knowledge can be incredibly instructive for those of us engaged in inner work as well.

Diseases are promoted instead of health because both physical and mental disease is highly profitable. And fewer people on the planet is a desired result for the Powers That Be.

Plus, echoing what we learned from the history of psychedelic research, a population riddled with diseases is far easier to control.

Mental illness is the norm—not common sense. And sadly, this IS by design.

The origin of trauma is found in the symbols all around us. Heed their meaning.

Up Next…

Next, we’ll address another “controversial” topic that impacts everyone’s lives and greatly reduces our mental health—without us knowing it.

Once you see the evidence presented, you’ll be better positioned to understand another dimension of how we got into the precarious position we find ourselves in today.

Go to the next segment: An Injection of Truth: The Virus/Vaccine Hoax

This article was the third installment in the series:

1 – Conspiracy Science 101
2 – A Brief History of Psychedelics
3 – Trauma’s Origin Story
4 – An Injection of Truth
5 – The Psychology of the Globalists
6 – Secret Societies Run the World
7 – A Primer on Black Magic
8 – The Art of Mind Control
9 – Behind the Climate Change Agenda
10- Transhumanism: Their Endgame
11- Indoctrination & the Slave Mindset
12- The Inward Journey


  1. Sussan R. Cook-Greuter, “Ego Development: Nine Levels of Increasing Embrace,” 1985. []
  2. John Sarno, Healing Back Pain, 1991 and The Mindbody Prescription, 1998. []
  3. []
  4. Ibid. [] [] []
  5. []
  6. []
  7. []
  8. []
  9. See The Business of Being Born. []
  10. []
  11. []
  12. Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, 40. []
  13. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, The Real Anthony Fauci, 2021. []
  14. []
  15. []
  16. []
  17. []
  18. []
  19. []
  20. []
  21. []
  22. []
  23. []
  24. []
  25. []
  26. []
  27. See Corbett’s presentation and source notes here: []