The Psychology of the “Global Elite”

One reason many people have difficulty accepting the reality of a global conspiracy is that they don’t understand the archetypes within the psyche and how they influence us.

And so even when they are presented with fact after fact that highlights a global conspiracy, their disbelief hinders their ability to fully process this new information.

However, once you understand the psychology of the “Powers That Be,” it’s unlikely that you’ll experience disbelief (at least to the same degree).

In fact, you’ll actually come to expect what’s currently unfolding—as if you’re witnessing a script play out on the world stage.

So today, let’s do a deep dive into the psychology of the “global elite.”

If you haven’t already done so, I highly recommend reading the prior installments of this series so you have the full context for what’s being presented here.

This segment is the fifth installment in this series:

1 – Conspiracy Science 101
2 – A Brief History of Psychedelics
3 – Trauma’s Origin Story
4 – An Injection of Truth
5 – The Psychology of the Globalists
6 – Secret Orders Run the World
7 – A Primer on Black Magic
8 – The Art of Mind Control
9 – The Climate Change Agenda
10- Transhumanism: Their Endgame
11- The Truth About Our Education
12- The Inward Journey

The King & Queen Archetypes

Before we dive in, we need to address how the “King” and “Queen” archetypes are represented in psychological literature.

From a Jungian perspective, the King/Queen represents the Self.

That is, this archetype represents a governing and organizing principle at the center of one’s psyche.

Joseph Campbell explained that in ancient cultures, this archetype was held by a single individual—the leader of the civilization.1

In essence, everyone in that particular culture would project their Self onto this single individual who would then “hold” that projection.

If the leader became weak or fell ill, however, he was removed (often ritually sacrificed) so that a new, stronger, and healthy leader could take his place.


Because if the leader was weak, everyone would suffer.

People can’t thrive without a strong king—if they project their inner authority onto this figure.

The film Kingdom of Heaven (2005) does an excellent job illustrating the King and Tyrant archetypes

Neo-Jungian Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette took this concept even deeper.2

When the King (and Queen) was in his full glory, the people prospered and the land flourished.

However, most often, the king was not a true king. He was weak, greedy, and lacked internal structure. Through various forms of trauma, the shadow archetypes of the king manifest.

As Moore and Gillette explain, the aggressive shadow of the king is the Tyrant. The passive shadow of the king is the Weakling.3

And when tyrants and weaklings ruled the land, the people suffered and the land became desolate and infertile.

Under tyrannical rule, authoritarianism and fascism rise and the people turn against one another.

The reality is that those in positions of power in most nations around the world are currently tyrants and weaklings—as they have been throughout much of our history.

And so the same archetypal play is unfolding. As such, we are living in challenging times.

The Masters and the Slaves

Throughout recorded history, there has been a hierarchical class structure.

At the top of the food pyramid, were the kings, queens, lords, Barrons, bishops, and clergy.

At the bottom of the pyramid were peasants, serfs, commoners, and slaves.

Perhaps in a storybook version of this structure, the “nobles” existed to bring peace and prosperity to the people (the King and Queen archetypes in their full glory).

In reality, however, the nobles were virtually always corrupted. Their power was derived from ruthlessness. Their wealth came from robbing the commoners.

To them, the people were peasants and their existence was mainly to serve the ruling class and enable the rulers’ luxurious lifestyle.

The common belief is that this hierarchical structure (termed “feudalism”) and this ruling-class attitude are outdated and obsolete.

The reality, however, is that this dynamic of the “masters” and the “slaves” persists to this day.

An Important Reminder About Archetypes

To clarify: I’m not suggesting that any person is a master or a slave.

The master and the slave are archetypes.

That is, they represent set patterns of behavior that operate within our psyche, usually on a level below our awareness.

When we become fully possessed by these archetypal forces, we identify with them. They become us.

The globalists, for example, see themselves as the “masters” and the “elite.”

Yes, they even call themselves the “elite.”4

Click to play the video:

The survey showed us that the good news is that elite across the world trust each other more and more … the bad news is that in every single country they were polling the majority of people trusted that elite less.

Hmm. Go figure.

The “elite” are so possessed by this archetype of the noble—more appropriately termed the Tyrant—that they use the moniker “elite” even to identify themselves in public.

And they don’t see anything wrong with that.

From a psychological perspective, this means that there’s no human in the driver’s seat.

These “elite” are fully running on autopilot. Their grandiosity and ego inflation has removed any semblance of their humanity.

Conversely, many people have submitted to their rule because they have subconsciously identified with the slave or serfdom class.

These archetypal patterns have operated throughout history.

They may be in us (in our psyche), but they are not us.

The main purpose of this discourse here is to bring to consciousness how these archetypes operate on the world stage so that we can observe them clearly—both within ourselves and our environment.

Only then can we contain these forces as a people.

As Robert Moore once said,5

It’s easy to be an archetype; it’s difficult to be a human.

Nietzsche on Master and Slave Morality

Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche devoted an entire work to the subject of masters and slaves.

For those of you who aren’t aware, Nietzsche had a massive influence on Carl Jung’s thinking (second perhaps only to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe).

In his Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche identified two types of morality: master morality and slave morality.

He observed these two types both in our civilization as well as within the psychology of the individual.

According to Nietzsche, the values of these two types of morality were in stark opposition.

Master morality values nobility, power, and independence.

Slave morality values kindness, humility, and sympathy.

Those who identify with master morality exist “beyond good and evil.”

That is, they don’t wrestle with ideas of right and wrong or with the thought that some kind of god might judge or condemn them.

In contrast, slaves were subjected to a kind of “herd mentality.”

Slaves mainly looked around for social acceptance and approval of others. A driving force of slave morality is the “need to belong.”

For Nietzsche, societies throughout history are plagued by this duality: the herd who believes their values are universal versus the masters who believe they exist beyond the slave’s mediocrity.

For our purposes here, I’m going to remove the term “morality” because I think it muddles the water.

What Nietzsche considered “master morality” some might call amorality.

So instead, we’ll refer to this duality Nietzsche highlights as the master/noble archetype and the slave mind (or slave consciousness). Ultimately, these forces are both archetypal in nature.

In this segment, we’ll focus on the psychology of the master: the nobles, the tyrants, and the “global elite.”

Then, we’ll examine slave consciousness in a later segment.

Jump-Skipping Good and Evil

To be clear, part of the individuation process IS to go “beyond good and evil.”

That is, by becoming conscious of the forces of darkness and light that reside within us, we can eventually contain and harmonize these forces within.

Through this inner alchemical process, we shift from an external moral code (put forth, for example, by a religious doctrine) to an internal ethical framework based on our personal evaluation.

This is the cornerstone of maturity: to become conscious of these opposing forces, sit within ambiguity, and use our evaluation and understanding to make appropriate decisions.

This, however, is NOT what the so-called nobles do.

In contrast, the nobles are generally operating from a very low level of psychological development (perhaps an adolescent stage).

But they have convinced and deluded themselves into believing they are “above” and “beyond” these human tensions.

That is to say, they are suffering from extreme levels of ego inflation: grandiosity, hubris, and megalomania.

This makes the nobles quite dangerous to the rest of humanity because they are in positions of great power and influence, and they are, ultimately, psychopaths and sociopaths.

Because these individuals aren’t accountable to anyone, they don’t concern themselves with the harm they may cause others (including themselves or their family).

And if that means “trimming the herd” (depopulation) because it will make it easier for them to manage, so be it.

“For Thee But Not For Me”

It’s easy to provide illustrations of how this ruling class believes they are “above the peasants and slaves”—that the rules for the commoner simply don’t apply to them.

This plandemic narrative of theirs has provided a unique opportunity to witness this archetypal possession with unprecedented clarity.

Here’s Mr. Bill Gates and company exiting his private plan (a confined tube) during year 1 of the pandemic without their masks on:

Notice how the baggage handler in the back right has his mask on (and we can assume the pilot did as well).

While everyone in the UK was instructed to wear masks and stay at home, Prime Minister Boris Johnson sent out an invite to a hundred people to “bring some booze” and join him at his Downing Street garden party.6

Of course, no one wore masks.

Throughout the plandemic, Nancy Pelosi was caught on camera not wearing her mask in public—almost weekly.

Here’s Nancy and her party when the cameras are “on” versus when the cameras are off:

Here’s Nancy at a public conference mixer:

Children over the age of 2 were forced to wear a mask, but not the Speaker of the House.

And here’s Nancy at a hair salon during the plandemic:7

Below is a quick video of Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Marcon arriving at the G20 forum.

Merkel arrives without a mask. Puts on the mask to go from the car to the front entrance. And then immediately removes it upon entering the building.

Marcon also removes his mask as soon as he enters the building.

Play this quick video:

Here’s Marcon and his party when they didn’t know the camera was rolling.

Play this quick video:

The Mask Tactic Has Been Used By the “Elite” Before

They required the slave class to wear masks during the last major false flag “virus pandemic” a century ago.

We covered this in the last segment on vaccines. It was the “Spanish Flu of 1918.”

The masses stopped wearing masks when this photo, published in a San Francisco newspaper, went national:

San Francisco city officials packed into a boxing arena 

The image showed numerous city leaders in a crowded public boxing arena—not wearing masks.

Wearing masks has always been symbolic of slavery (and wartime captives).

It’s a psychological tool used in cognitive warfare.

Now, you might assume that “elites” like Gates and Pelosi just “got caught” not wearing their mask.

The reality, however, is that when you’re fully possessed by this Tyrant archetype, the rules of the masses simply don’t apply to you (especially when you know that the narrative is B.S.)

You are the “ruling class.” You are nobility. You are above and beyond the peasants.

The peasants exist simply to serve you as they live out their pathetic and meaningless lives.

THIS is the psychology of the World Economic Forum and everyone operating under the banner of the “Great Reset.”

Once you understand this fully, everything starts to become quite clear.

(NOTE: I assume, at this point, that anyone reading this already knows that wearing masks do nothing but muzzle you and restrict respiration which leads to illness. Mask mandates are part of their psychological warfare. They are used as a form of humiliation. If this is new to you, see all of the scientific data presented in the Masks section in the original Worldwide Shadow Report.)

The Way of Feudalism

To understand how we got to where we are now, it’s important to look back.

We are told that feudalism is: 8

The system of political organization prevailing in Europe from the 9th to about the 15th centuries having as its basis the relation of lord to vassal with all land held in fee and as chief characteristics homage, the service of tenants under arms and in court, wardship, and forfeiture.

“Feud” is tangent to the Middle English “feodary” that also denotes “land bestowed from an overlord in exchange for service.”

Service, in this context, was armed service. So, for example, if you were in the national army, you were given land to live on in exchange for your service.

But armed service wasn’t the only way individuals could serve their obligations to their lord to obtain land.

There was a second option: payments of money or taxation were used as a replacement for this armed service.

Feudalism Never Ended

Do we still pay taxes on our land?

Then we are still operating under feudal law.

Feudalism is at the core of our lives, but it’s so elusive that it escapes the awareness of most.

The lords of old are still the ruling class of today.

Only now, they operate in secret societies, behind closed doors, and through layers of legalese and corporate entities.

Now, these groups are only analyzed and observed by those “pesky conspiracy theorists.” (You know, the ones actually paying attention.)

There’s an old saying that “custom trumps law.”

Above are images of President Bush, President Obama, and Prime Minister Trudeau bowing to the Queen of England.

When the leader of a nation bows to the Royal Crown, this is a significant symbolic event.

These individuals are representatives of their people. Their actions represent that of the people.

When they bow to the crown; we bow to the crown. (Assuming you live within the borders of these nations.)

And by our silence, we consent.

The implications of this act are incredibly profound and it dates back to the Cestui Que Trust Act of 1666. Hopefully, we’ll get back to this topic later in this series, but we must move on because we have a lot more to cover here.

Born into the “Ruling Class”

The “global elites” are bred into their current roles.

For the most part, they are not “self-made” men and women. They are handed down the reigns of power through their bloodlines.

Just as James Corbett exposed in his documentary Who is Bill Gates?, Gates was not some “whiz kid” that was good with computers and who how grew Microsoft into a technological powerhouse.9

He was handed his position by his parents who were already influential technocrats.

And he was instructed in the role he played both in Microsoft and later in his “philanthropic” effects. (A much deeper analysis of Gate’s bloodline can be found here.)

This is a common pattern. And there are very few exceptions to this pattern.

The Global Tyrants

We are fast approaching the stage of the ulimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.

– Ayn Rand, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal

In most cases, the parents of the current globalists were members of various secret orders, and they passed down the same ideologies (and trauma) to their children. (We’ll examine these secret orders in the next segment.)

The average individual might focus on striving toward some personal goals, pursuing more comforts, or in some way, improving their lives.

For the globalist, however, the central theme is on acquiring more power and control over others.

Films like The Hunger Games and V for Vendetta highlight the psychology of the “global elite.”

Incidentally, if you haven’t seen V for Vendetta (2005), it’s based on a graphic novel from 1982.

Set in the near-future United Kingdom, a second civil war and a deadly, mysterious virus fractured society. This led to the elimination of personal freedom and the establishment of an authoritarian government that controlled every aspect of their lives.

Sound familiar?

The globalists perceive themselves above the law, and as Nietzsche noted, “beyond good and evil.”

Their role, which they believe is ordained to them, is to rule over the sheeple as they see fit.

Jung would call it a God Complex.

If you ever played the children’s board game Stratego, that’s kind of how the globalists think and operate on a world scale.

The world is a giant gameboard to the globalists. And they view the masses as a herd and the “great unwashed.” (Hitler called the people “useless eaters.”)10

Ultimately, to the technocrats that run the world, we the people, are viewed as expendable soldiers, livestock, and slaves.

They have a disdain for humanity in general, which again speaks to the fact that they are fully possessed by specific archetypes and divorced from their humanity.

They believe only a select few should roam the Earth with enough slaves to facilitate their lifestyle.

The nasty child (High Chair Tyrant archetype) doesn’t want anyone else to have fun and play in his sandbox. He wants it all to himself. “It’s all mine!”

This world is governed by a collection of Tyrants who feel the same way. (Hence, the current depopulation agenda.)

The only difference is that they have the financial means and external resources to potentially make it happen. Or, to destroy the fabric of civilization in the process of trying—IF enough of us comply.

To understand more about the psychology of the globalist elite, see Understanding the Fabian Window.11

Also, see this Planet Lockdown interview with Catherine Austin Fitts who explains how human slaves (all of us) are considered capital from the globalist’s perspective.12

The “Global Power Elite”

This group collectively manages trillions of dollars. In many cases, they actually print money and create monetary systems and policies.

Even though they have enough funds and resources to provide food, clothing, clean water, and shelter to the entire world many times over, it’s more entertaining for them to watch many people starve and fight for food.

And when they believe there are too many of us to manage, they run a depopulation protocol to “thin the herd.”

So how many globalists are there?

Not as many as you might think.

According to the in-depth research of Dr. John Coleman and Peter Phillips, the actual number is less than 400 individuals.

For a breakdown of this “global elite,” see this eye-opening and sobering lecture by Peter Phillips, professor of political sociology at Sonoma State University and author of Giants: Global Power Elite.13

As Philips illustrates, there’s a highly interconnected group of companies that manage over $40 trillion that are run by less than 200 people. ((Ibid.))
And these “global power elites” operate beyond all governments; they are accountable to no one.

Dr. Coleman outlines many of the various orders and individuals in these secretive “elite” groups in his book, Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300.14

You can download Dr. Coleman’s book here.

Notable members of the Committee of 300 include:

British royal family
Dutch royal family
Lord Halifax
House of Hapsburg
Charles Prince of Wales
David Rockefeller
David Rene de Rothschild
Jacob Rothschild
George W. Bush
George Soros

Klaus Schwab
Bill Clinton
Bill Gates
Tony Blair
Henry Kissinger
Michael Bloomberg
Warren Buffett
Al Gore
John Kerry
Rupert Murdoch

You can find a complete list of members here.15

In relation to the covid plandemic, Dr. David E. Martin’s research is highly relevant for this discussion too.

By following the patents related to current vaccine technology, Dr. Martin was able to isolate what he believes is a complete list of the privateers, universities, and individuals involved in the covid treason.

We find many of the same names from the above list including Gates, Gore, and Schwab.16 Dr. Martin’s complete list and his presentation can be found here.

How Can a Small Number of People Rule the World?

It’s an honest question: How can less than 400 people influence (and control) the lives of billions?

The answer is actually quite simple:

First, they own most of the industries that have been woven into our daily lives:



Second, they are in possession of the tool used to manipulate the lower soul of mankind: money.

Just look at what transpired over the last two and a half years.

How did these globalists get regular people—hospital administrators, physicians, school administrators, and politicians—to work in lock-step with these Draconian measures all around the world?


“Financial incentives” to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars were used to bribe and motivate regular individuals in the “working class” to cause harm to others.

As we covered in Trauma’s Origin Story, hospitals were paid up to 100k per covid patient, which fueled both misreporting of covid cases as well as led to an increase in covid deaths through maltreatment (Remdesivir, etc).

Money has a very powerful effect on our unconscious. It can lead us to conduct ourselves in ways we wouldn’t necessarily do otherwise.

Third, the Powers That Be are masters of propaganda and mind control.

And they deploy think tanks around the world to conceive of new and better ways to influence and control our perception, and therefore, our behavior. (We’ll cover this topic in great detail in a future segment.)

It’s NOT a Conspiracy Anymore

At this point, it seems inappropriate to call any of this a “conspiracy.”

After all, a conspiracy denotes something that’s secret. But now, everything is kind of out in the open. It’s all incredibly well-documented.17,18,19

Klaus Schwab is so proud of his agenda and the influential control he has over national leaders that he gives lectures and interviews on it.

Schwab said the following at the John F. Kennedy School of Government (Harvard University) in 2017:20

What we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minsiter Justin Trudeau, the President of Argentina, and so on. So we penetrate the cabinets … I know that half of [Trudeau’s] cabinet, or even more than half are for our Young Global Leaders of World Economic Forum.

The World Economic Forum has a website that promotes its agenda.

Heck, they even make commercials so that we will embrace the idea that “you’ll own nothing and be happy.”

So at this point, you don’t necessarily need to know anything about secret orders because their agenda for the last century is starting to come into full view.

Schwab’s School for Global Psychopaths

Schwab has been conditioning “young leaders” since 1992 through his Young Global Leaders program (formerly called Global Leaders of Tomorrow).

Here are a few of Schwab’s graduates:

Angela Merkel, class of 1992
Bill Gates, class of 1993 (Microsoft)
Jeff Bezos, class of 1998 (Amazon)
Emmanuel Marcon, class of 2017
Gavin Newsom, 2005
Peter Buttigieg, 2019
Chelsea Clinton (Clinton Foundation board)
Jonathan Soros (Soros’ son)
Sanjay Gupta, 2010 (CNN)

Anderson Cooper, 2008 (CNN anchor)
Steven Ballmer (Microsoft)
Peter Thiel, 2007 (Paypal)
Pierre Omidyar, 1999 (eBay)
Mark Zuckerburg, 2009 (Facebook)
Tony Blair, 1993 (British Prime Minister)
Gordon Brown, 1993 (British Prime Minister)
Nathaniel Rothschild
Jacinda Ardern, 2017

You can find a comprehensive list of “graduates” here and here.

Is it any wonder that they were able to roll out the same pandemic narrative around the world without pushback?

It’s worth noting that the WEF and the Gates Foundation were the sponsors of “Event 201″—the simulated “coronavirus pandemic” exercise they ran in New York City on October 18, 2019. 21

If you would like to read more about all of the clear connections between Schwab’s WEF and the plandemic, see this article and this one (with related videos included).17,19

Not surprisingly, during the course of the plandemic, there was a massive transfer of wealth to WEF members and their cohorts.

The lockdowns created 600 new billionaires and transferred $5 trillion USD in wealth to them while severely damaging the middle class. (In the United States, over 1 million small businesses closed shop since the lockdowns started.)

What is becoming abundantly clear is that most world leaders are merely puppets of Schwab’s fascist ideology.

Any government leaders who have enforced the Draconian mandates of vaccines, masks, social distancing, and lockdowns are following Schwab’s lead.

A fair assumption is that virtually anyone associated with WEF is an enemy of the people.

The WEF is a private, criminal organization that humanity is just now becoming astutely aware of.

If someone is part of WEF, they have embraced Schwab’s vision of the fourth industrial revolution and transhumanism (which we’ll cover in detail later on).

Who is Klaus Schwab?

Klaus Schwab

Schwab has sold these “national leaders” on a compelling premise: the idea that they can wipe out their national debt while increasing their power and control by introducing a one-world digital currency that they control.

Johnny Vedmore recently did a deep dive into Schwab and the WEF.22

Turns out, WEF was born out of a CIA-funded Harvard program headed by Henry Kissinger.

This insight alone is significant if you understand the kind of person Kissinger represents.

Klaus Schwab (left): born in Nazi Germany in 1938; Eugen Schwab (right): father, industrialist, and fascist who ran his own concentration camp

Kissinger is another well-known tyrant and a key member of the Council on Foreign Relations (a secret order that operates without the governance of the people).

But here’s what’s most interesting: Schwab didn’t start getting international traction until he introduced the idea of depopulation—the same focus as people like Kissinger and Bill Gates.23

Under this Great Reset vision, the current leadership of each participating (former) nation would be able to maintain their position of control indefinitely under their “One-World Government.”

In terms of Klaus Schwab’s lineage, it seems he is indeed a Rothschild / Khazarian (one of the ancient bloodlines) and his father was a Nazi.24,25

Schwab is the author of The Fourth Industrial Revolution, but in truth, Schwab and the WEF actually represent the Fourth Reich of the Nazi party.26

Schwab considers Lenin to be one of his mentors. It has also been confirmed that Schwab has a statue of Lenin in his office.27

I recommend watching J.P. Sears’s excellent video on Schwab to better understand how he and WEF members think:28

In Summary

At a surface level, this global conspiracy documented above isn’t that difficult to track:

There are a few hundred tyrants (that extends out into a global network probably totaling a few million via bribes and kickbacks) who control the majority of the world’s wealth and resources.

They believe themselves to be above everyone else—including all national governments—and they do not answer to anyone.

They believe they know “what’s best” for humanity and so they have been getting together and planning how to “mold the world” for a very long time (at least a century).

Their primary goals are to depopulate the planet and control the rest of humanity.

In essence, they are operating as oligarchs without the masses knowing about it (although that’s quickly changing).

An oligarchy is a power structure where control rests in the hands of a small number of people.

These oligarchs are self-appointed and they believe they have the right to rule (“masters consciousness”). This, of course, is delusional.

Despite the rhetoric of the WEF, when you understand the psychology and vision of these global oligarchs, all of the concern in the world is warranted.

These individuals are largely responsible for the destructive path we’re currently on. And they want to make things far worse—both for humanity and Earth.

Their goal isn’t individual freedom as Socrates outlined in Plato’s Republic.

In their “ideal society,” humans are slaves and they have full dominion over us—including what we think and feel and how we behave.

How Does This Story End?

A careful study of past empires (especially Roman) illustrates the same pattern we’re seeing today: Hubris.

Outrageous arrogance of a few leads to the downfall of a civilization. (“Pride cometh before the fall.”)

We have entered a turbulent period marked by the fall of governments around the world.29

The irony is that the controllers of this world are also slaves; for the controller is the controlled.

How much energy, time, resources, and attention have these globalists invested for generations to control the masses?

In pondering this question, you come to see how spiritually dissolute these individuals truly are.

On a bigger picture, this realization reveals how fractured the totality of our collective psyche is as well (because we have silently consented to all of this nonsense).

But all is not lost. We will persist. And healing comes with time and attention.

Up Next …

Before we examine what has happened to us (the “common folk”), we must first examine the occult nature of the controllers and the symbols that guide their behavior.

Next, we’ll cover the secret societies that run the world.

Read the sixth segment: Secret Societies Run the World

This segment was the fifth installment in this series:

1 – Conspiracy Science 101
2 – A Brief History of Psychedelics
3 – Trauma’s Origin Story
4 – An Injection of Truth
5 – The Psychology of the Globalists
6 – Secret Societies Run the World
7 – A Primer on Black Magic
8 – The Art of Mind Control
9 – Behind the Climate Change Agenda
10-  Transhumanism: Their Endgame
11- Indoctrination & the Slave Mindset
12- The Inward Journey


  1. Campbell, Power of Myth, 1988. []
  2. Moore and Gillette, King Warrior Magician Lover, 1990 []
  3. Ibid. []
  4. []
  5. I believe he said it in this lecture: Archetypal Images of the King and the Warrior []
  6. []
  7. []
  8. []
  9. []
  10. []
  11. []
  12. []
  13. []
  14. []
  15. []
  16. []
  17. [] []
  18. Meet the World Economic Forum, June 13, 2021 []
  19. [] []
  20. []
  21. []
  22. Dr. Klaus Schwab or: How the CFR Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, March 10, 2022. []
  23. Alexandra Bruce, The Megadeath Intellectuals of the Great Reset, April 22, 2022. []
  24. []
  25. []
  26. []
  27. []
  28. []
  29. []