Conspiracy Science & the Psyche

The following series, published in early 2022, was written for individuals who have a deep sense that something is very wrong in this world. (And I'm not just referring to the current plandemic narrative.) 

The problems we are facing go far deeper than what's transpired over the last few years. What's happening in the world is a mere symptom of a greater disease in our collective psyche and in the world at large.

One insight from inner work is that you can't truly move forward until you understand your past. Without conscious knowledge of your past, it's difficult to know who you are. (You can only think you know.) 

The same goes for worldly concerns: How can we overcome a problem in the real world without first understanding the source and nature of the problem?

This series is designed to help us understand where we are so we can begin to move forward.

Each segment in this series builds on the one before it, so I recommend reading them in order. 

Do you have a negative association to the "conspiracy theory"? There's a good reason for it, and it's probably not what you think. Read on >>

One of the most revealing topics regarding the brain and mental illness comes from an understanding of the propaganda around psychedelic substances and other drugs. Read on >>

Many of our personal problems stem from various forms of trauma. But we generally overlook the chief source of trauma that we have come to accept as "normal": the business of being born. And the symbols of the medical establish tell the real story. Read on  >>

Vaccines have become one of the most polarizing topics in recent years. But when you see the propaganda related to vaccines for more than a century, the real evidence on vaccine efficacy, and the controlling forces behind this narrative, the "debate" quickly falls like a house of cards. Read on >>

They go by many names: globalists, "elite," secret orders, controllers, and so on. When you understand how these folks think, and their overall worldview, it clearly illustrates the problems our world currently faces. Read on >>

Let's take a closer look at the secret cults that actually run the world. It's only a "conspiracy theory" until you look at the mountain of evidence. Read on >>

Black magic is very real. And it's used on us virtually every day. This essential segment highlights some of the many black-art practices and symbols used throughout our culture and society. Read on >>

Here, we'll explore Operation Mockingbird, MK-Ultra, trauma-based mind control programs, the Tavistock Institute think tank, and the intentional denigration of society. Read on >>

We're ready to tackle another heated topic that immediately cools off when you look at the data instead of the propaganda. The climate change agenda is one of the biggest misdirections of the past century. Read on >>

All roads from everything documented above leads to transhumanism, or the end of the human race. That is, if we consent to it ...  Read on >>

In the fifth segment, we outlined the psychology of the "global elite." Here, we explore the role we all played in manifesting what has transpired and how we were all tricked into playing along. Read on >>

Ultimately, once you understand how this world works and why things have deteriorated as they have, the solution is still the same: to go within. Read on >>